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class RealtimeClient {
constructor(endPoint: string, options?: RealtimeClientOptions);
private _workerObjectUrl;
accessToken: (() => Promise<string | null>) | null;
accessTokenValue: string | null;
apiKey: string | null;
channels: RealtimeChannel[];
conn: WebSocketLike | null;
decode: Function;
encode: Function;
endPoint: string;
fetch: Fetch;
headers?: {
[key: string]: string;
heartbeatIntervalMs: number;
heartbeatTimer: ReturnType<setInterval> | undefined;
httpEndpoint: string;
logger: Function;
params?: {
[key: string]: string;
pendingHeartbeatRef: string | null;
reconnectAfterMs: Function;
reconnectTimer: Timer;
ref: number;
sendBuffer: Function[];
serializer: Serializer;
stateChangeCallbacks: {
open: Function[];
close: Function[];
error: Function[];
message: Function[];
timeout: number;
transport: WebSocketLikeConstructor | null;
worker?: boolean;
workerRef?: Worker;
workerUrl?: string;
channel(topic: string, params?: RealtimeChannelOptions): RealtimeChannel;
connect(): void;
connectionState(): CONNECTION_STATE;
disconnect(code?: number, reason?: string): void;
endpointURL(): string;
flushSendBuffer(): void;
getChannels(): RealtimeChannel[];
isConnected(): boolean;
kind: string,
msg: string,
data?: any,
): void;
push(data: RealtimeMessage): void;
removeAllChannels(): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse[]>;
removeChannel(channel: RealtimeChannel): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse>;
sendHeartbeat(): Promise<void>;
setAuth(token?: string | null): Promise<void>;


new RealtimeClient(endPoint: string, options?: RealtimeClientOptions)

Initializes the Socket.

@param endPoint

The string WebSocket endpoint, ie, "ws://example.com/socket", "wss://example.com", "/socket" (inherited host & protocol)

@param httpEndpoint

The string HTTP endpoint, ie, "https://example.com", "/" (inherited host & protocol)

@param options.transport

The Websocket Transport, for example WebSocket.

@param options.timeout

The default timeout in milliseconds to trigger push timeouts.

@param options.params

The optional params to pass when connecting.

@param options.headers

The optional headers to pass when connecting.

@param options.heartbeatIntervalMs

The millisec interval to send a heartbeat message.

@param options.logger

The optional function for specialized logging, ie: logger: (kind, msg, data) => { console.log(${kind}: ${msg}, data) }

@param options.encode

The function to encode outgoing messages. Defaults to JSON: (payload, callback) => callback(JSON.stringify(payload))

@param options.decode

The function to decode incoming messages. Defaults to Serializer's decode.

@param options.reconnectAfterMs

he optional function that returns the millsec reconnect interval. Defaults to stepped backoff off.

@param options.worker

Use Web Worker to set a side flow. Defaults to false.

@param options.workerUrl

The URL of the worker script. Defaults to https://realtime.supabase.com/worker.js that includes a heartbeat event call to keep the connection alive.


accessToken: (() => Promise<string | null>) | null
accessTokenValue: string | null
apiKey: string | null
conn: WebSocketLike | null
decode: Function
encode: Function
endPoint: string
headers: {
[key: string]: string;
heartbeatIntervalMs: number
heartbeatTimer: ReturnType<setInterval> | undefined
httpEndpoint: string
logger: Function
params: {
[key: string]: string;
pendingHeartbeatRef: string | null
reconnectAfterMs: Function
reconnectTimer: Timer
ref: number
sendBuffer: Function[]
serializer: Serializer
stateChangeCallbacks: {
open: Function[];
close: Function[];
error: Function[];
message: Function[];
timeout: number
transport: WebSocketLikeConstructor | null
worker: boolean
workerRef: Worker
workerUrl: string


channel(topic: string, params?: RealtimeChannelOptions): RealtimeChannel
connect(): void

Connects the socket, unless already connected.

connectionState(): CONNECTION_STATE

Returns the current state of the socket.

disconnect(code?: number, reason?: string): void

Disconnects the socket.

@param code

A numeric status code to send on disconnect.

@param reason

A custom reason for the disconnect.

endpointURL(): string

Returns the URL of the websocket.


string The URL of the websocket.

flushSendBuffer(): void

Flushes send buffer

getChannels(): RealtimeChannel[]

Returns all created channels

isConnected(): boolean

Returns true is the connection is open.

log(kind: string, msg: string, data?: any): void

Logs the message.

For customized logging, this.logger can be overridden.

push(data: RealtimeMessage): void

Push out a message if the socket is connected.

If the socket is not connected, the message gets enqueued within a local buffer, and sent out when a connection is next established.

removeAllChannels(): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse[]>

Unsubscribes and removes all channels

removeChannel(channel: RealtimeChannel): Promise<RealtimeRemoveChannelResponse>

Unsubscribes and removes a single channel

@param channel

A RealtimeChannel instance

sendHeartbeat(): Promise<void>

Sends a heartbeat message if the socket is connected.

setAuth(token?: string | null): Promise<void>

Sets the JWT access token used for channel subscription authorization and Realtime RLS.

If param is null it will use the accessToken callback function or the token set on the client.

On callback used, it will set the value of the token internal to the client.

@param token

A JWT string to override the token set on the client.