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class GoTrueAdminApi {
constructor({ url, headers, fetch }: {
url: string;
headers?: {
[key: string]: string;
fetch?: Fetch;
private _deleteFactor;
private _listFactors;
protected fetch: Fetch;
protected headers: {
[key: string]: string;
protected url: string;
createUser(attributes: AdminUserAttributes): Promise<UserResponse>;
deleteUser(id: string, shouldSoftDelete?: boolean): Promise<UserResponse>;
generateLink(params: GenerateLinkParams): Promise<GenerateLinkResponse>;
getUserById(uid: string): Promise<UserResponse>;
inviteUserByEmail(email: string, options?: {
data?: object;
redirectTo?: string;
): Promise<UserResponse>;
listUsers(params?: PageParams): Promise<{
data: {
users: User[];
aud: string;
& Pagination;
error: null;
| {
data: {
users: [];
error: AuthError;
signOut(jwt: string, scope?: "global" | "local" | "others"): Promise<{
data: null;
error: AuthError | null;
updateUserById(uid: string, attributes: AdminUserAttributes): Promise<UserResponse>;


new GoTrueAdminApi({ url, headers, fetch }: {
url: string;
headers?: {
[key: string]: string;
fetch?: Fetch;


headers: {
[key: string]: string;
url: string

Contains all MFA administration methods.


createUser(attributes: AdminUserAttributes): Promise<UserResponse>

Creates a new user. This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your service_role key in the browser.

deleteUser(id: string, shouldSoftDelete?: boolean): Promise<UserResponse>

Delete a user. Requires a service_role key.

@param id

The user id you want to remove.

@param shouldSoftDelete

If true, then the user will be soft-deleted from the auth schema. Soft deletion allows user identification from the hashed user ID but is not reversible. Defaults to false for backward compatibility.

This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your service_role key in the browser.

getUserById(uid: string): Promise<UserResponse>

Get user by id.

@param uid

The user's unique identifier

This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your service_role key in the browser.

inviteUserByEmail(email: string, options?: {
data?: object;
redirectTo?: string;
): Promise<UserResponse>

Sends an invite link to an email address.

@param email

The email address of the user.

@param options

Additional options to be included when inviting.

listUsers(params?: PageParams): Promise<{
data: {
users: User[];
aud: string;
& Pagination;
error: null;
| {
data: {
users: [];
error: AuthError;

Get a list of users.

This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your service_role key in the browser.

@param params

An object which supports page and perPage as numbers, to alter the paginated results.

signOut(jwt: string, scope?: "global" | "local" | "others"): Promise<{
data: null;
error: AuthError | null;

Removes a logged-in session.

@param jwt

A valid, logged-in JWT.

@param scope

The logout sope.

updateUserById(uid: string, attributes: AdminUserAttributes): Promise<UserResponse>

Updates the user data.

@param attributes

The data you want to update.

This function should only be called on a server. Never expose your service_role key in the browser.