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interface Deno.RunOptions

This will be removed in Deno 2.0. See the Deno 1.x to 2.x Migration Guide for migration instructions.

Options which can be used with


cmd: readonly string[] | [string | URL, ...string[]]

Arguments to pass.

Note: the first element needs to be a path to the executable that is being run.

cwd: string

The current working directory that should be used when running the sub-process.

env: Record<string, string>

Any environment variables to be set when running the sub-process.

| "inherit"
| "piped"
| "null"
| number

By default subprocess inherits stdout of parent process. To change this this option can be set to a resource ID (rid) of an open file, "inherit", "piped", or "null":

  • number: the resource ID of an open file/resource. This allows you to write to a file.
  • "inherit": The default if unspecified. The subprocess inherits from the parent.
  • "piped": A new pipe should be arranged to connect the parent and child sub-process.
  • "null": This stream will be ignored. This is the equivalent of attaching the stream to /dev/null.
| "inherit"
| "piped"
| "null"
| number

By default subprocess inherits stderr of parent process. To change this this option can be set to a resource ID (rid) of an open file, "inherit", "piped", or "null":

  • number: the resource ID of an open file/resource. This allows you to write to a file.
  • "inherit": The default if unspecified. The subprocess inherits from the parent.
  • "piped": A new pipe should be arranged to connect the parent and child sub-process.
  • "null": This stream will be ignored. This is the equivalent of attaching the stream to /dev/null.
| "inherit"
| "piped"
| "null"
| number

By default subprocess inherits stdin of parent process. To change this this option can be set to a resource ID (rid) of an open file, "inherit", "piped", or "null":

  • number: the resource ID of an open file/resource. This allows you to read from a file.
  • "inherit": The default if unspecified. The subprocess inherits from the parent.
  • "piped": A new pipe should be arranged to connect the parent and child sub-process.
  • "null": This stream will be ignored. This is the equivalent of attaching the stream to /dev/null.